ICT Spring 2021

September 14, 2021 - September 15, 2021


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The LHoFT is pleased to sponsor the ICT Spring 2021, a Global Tech Conference hosting an array of international professionals.

ICT Spring offers the participants a unique opportunity to deepen their digital knowledge, capture the Value of the fast-growing Fintech, drive innovation in the Supply Chain industry, pierce the secrets of IT Security and explore the impact of Space Technologies on Terrestrial Businesses.

All this through high level conferences, exhibitions and demonstrations of the latest Tech Trends and Innovations.

The LHoFT Team will welcome you on our dedicated stand gathering the amazing Fintech community. 

Dive into a unique experience, and join us. You can take your ticket using the LHoFT Code: LHOFT21

For any question, send an email to [email protected]

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