Gala IT One

December 7, 2021 @ 17h00 - December 8, 2021 @ 17h00


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Gala IT One is back next December 7th in Luxembourg !

Gala IT One is the largest networking event dedicated to IT professionals and their teams in the Grand-Duchy, so we kindly invite you to save the date in your agenda.
It will be the occasion to reconnect with the business and to immerse yourself in this year’s conference topic: “The Data Economy Marathon”.
The conference will be followed by the traditional networking cocktail and the Luxembourg ICT Awards Gala Dinner so don’t wait to attend this exciting gathering!

5pm – 6pm: Conference “ The Data Economy Marathon”

Data has become a real asset and a lot of organizations are now data-driven to help their company gain a significant competitive advantage. CIOs, IT Managers and their team entered a marathon and each individual contributed to constantly re-imagine the business, drive greater agility, ensure the security of the processes, rethink data governance. Such as athletes, they need to stay the course together and to welcome new technologies to constantly develop their systems and this, in order to be well integrated in the data economy.
The ability to collect data has evolved and it is coming from new endpoints, including IoT devices. Organizations need to understand how to deal with such an amount of data as it allows better prediction of economic phenomena and influences the way they use it.
The coming years are challenging and the marathon has already begun. As the data economy takes off, disruptive technologies emerge so make a pause in your course to go further, to know how to stay ahead of the trend and how to create new opportunities for your organisations.

6pm – 8pm: The most-awaited networking cocktail 

8pm – 11pm: IT One Gala Dinner & Luxembourg ICT Awards Ceremony

During this dinner, attendees will be able to discover the personalities and companies rewarded for this new edition of the Luxembourg ICT Awards. As a reminder, these awards aim to promote and spread the best practices, to foster emulation between the country’s professionals and offer recognition to the best solutions provided on the market.

To book your seat or table, please contact [email protected]

Deadline to apply for the Luxembourg ICT Awards :

This Friday, November 19th, 2021



CIO of the Year


ICT Business Partner of the Year

Telecom Innovation of the Year

Most Innovative ICT Training Programme

Best use of AI & Data

Digital Transformation Project of the Year


ICT Team of the Year

ICT Outsourcing Services Provider of the Year

Young ICT Revelation Company of the Year


Inspirational ICT Personality of the Year

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