ALFI European Asset Management Conference
March 17, 2020 - March 18, 2020

Asset manager ─ investor ─ service provider ─ regulator
Join the European asset management community – including investors, asset managers, fund administrators and fund selectors – in Luxembourg to share, analyse and debate the most topical industry matters.
Highlights of the agenda
- Product evolution: PEPP, ELTIF and more
- Value assessments
- Tech transformation
- Investors in the focus: needs of institutional and retail investors
- Financial education and long-term savings
- The third-party ManCo universe and managed services
- Workforce of the future
- AI in the face of regulation
- EU-UK relationship in 2020 and beyond
Why attend?
- Join some 700 delegates from more than 35 countries at THE event which puts asset managers and investors centre stage
- Learn how to best navigate the current industry environment
- Benefit from numerous networking opportunities with top representatives of the international asset management industry all gathered in one place
- Use the opportunity to engage with the ALFI community representing the second-largest investment fund domicile in the world
- The event will provide ample opportunity to network with key representatives of the international asset management community.
Agenda, More Info and Ticketing HERE