ALFI European Asset Management Conference 2019
March 5, 2019 - March 6, 2019

The ALFI European Asset Management Conference is the annual forum where the European asset management community – including investors, asset managers, fund administrators and fund selectors – shares, analyses and debates the most pressing industry aspects.
The event will examine the 4 Ps of asset management:
and look at key business drivers, strategic issues, innovation in operations, asset allocation, product development and many other pertinent subjects.
Why attend?
- Join some 600 delegates from more than 25 countries at THE event which puts Asset Managers and Investors centre-stage
- Learn how to best navigate the current industry environment
- Benefit from numerous networking opportunities with top representatives of the international Asset Management industry all gathered in one place
- Use the opportunity to engage with the ALFI community representing the second largest investment fund domicile in the world