December 17, 2021

Global call for all digital financial innovators !
The AFI Inclusive Fintech Showcase showcases the world’s most promising FinTech and RegTech innovators that are enhancing access to and the usage and quality of formal financial services for low-income populations in developing countries and emerging markets.
Download the application form here!
Learn from previous finalists
Why apply?
- Product or solution is operating in one or more AFI member jurisdictions.
- Product or solution uses innovation or cutting-edge technology to enable fresh, meaningful dialogue with financial policymakers and regulatory communities.
- Product or solution is or has potential for scaling up and ensuring commercial viability.
Entrants can be start-ups, established financial institutions or technology companies that offer technology or innovation that aims to compete with traditional methods in delivering financial services.
Download the application form here!
Completed applications must be submitted to [email protected]
before 23:59 Malaysia time (UTC +8 hours) on Friday, 17 December 2021.
Finalists will be selected by an independent committee of experts comprising policy and technical specialists.