The future for Fintech in Luxembourg is bright

May 12, 2021 @ 12h00 - 13h00


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A retrospective of the LHoFT for the past 4 years.

On the 24th April 2021, the LHoFT celebrated its 4th anniversary following the official first inauguration on the 24th of April 2017 by Mr Pierre Gramegna, Luxembourg Finance Minister and LHoFT Chairman. From a few dozen Fintech firms four years ago, we estimate there are over 240 firms now operating out of Luxembourg, generating over €500 million in annual revenue.

The strategy for building domestic Fintech expertise is based on two key pillars: “Collaboration” and “Ecosystem”, which are more than just marketing jargon here in Luxembourg. The two concepts are evident right across the tight-knit community, and the aspiration of creating significant, positive outcomes. While we all continue to battle with Covid-19, the Fintech industry in Luxembourg has flourished as institutions have turned to digital solutions to ensure continuity and resilience. In the 4 years since, significant collective impact has been created by the LHoFT’s ecosystem.

During this exclusive digital session, moderated by Jim Kent, Nasir Zubairi, CEO of the LHoFT, will detail what he as experienced for the past 4 years with the LHoFT and what he has witnessed for the Fintech and Financial services industry alongside key exclusive guests : Nadia Manzari, Partner at Schiltz & Schiltz, Philipp von Restorff, Deputy CEO of Luxembourg For Finance and Marc LauerCEO of Foyer and President of ACA.




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