Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2020

September 8, 2020 - September 22, 2020


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The Sustainable Investment Forum Europe is going virtual with a European focused month dedicated to responsible investment.

The virtual forum will take place across four dates; on the 8th, 11th, 15th and 22nd September, so you can view the sessions live or in your own time on-demand.

Who will attend?

Asset owners, asset managers, service providers and policymakers to discuss how investors are aligning with global climate and sustainability targets.

Why attend?

  • Share views on how the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan is driving change
  • Engage with a range of asset owners, asset managers and senior policy makers
  • Collaborate and compare sustainability strategies on asset owner and manager approaches to sustainable investment, climate disclosure and the UN SDGs
  • Adapt and share best practice for European sustainable investment in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

Featured Speakers: 

  • Magnus Billing, CEO, Alecta
  • Morgan Despres, Deputy Director General of Financial Stability & Operations, Banque de France
  • Valentijn van Nieuwenhuijzen, Chief Investment Officer, NN Investment Partners
  • Olivier Rousseau, Executive Director, Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites (FRR)
  • Martin Spolc, Head of Sustainable Finance Unit, European Commission
  • Eric Usher, Head, UNEP Finance Initiative


PART 1 – Tue, 8 September 2020: Building a coherent financial system to support ESG and global sustainable growth

  1. How to decarbonise your investment portfolio
  2. ESG investing, integration and application of data
  3. Active versus passive investing in ESG
  4. Overcoming the ESG data challenge
  5. Has COVID-19 refocused attention on the S and G of ESG?

MORE on Part 1

PART 2 – Friday, 11 September 2020: Aligning investments with the Paris Agreement and the UN SDGs

  1. Is climate engagement across the European financial community working?
  2. Using strategic asset allocation to achieve a 1.5 degree aligned portfolio
  3. Are UN SDGs compatible with ESG investing returns
  4. Has  COVID-19 refocused sustainable finance?
  5. Climate change matters – practical solutions on decarbonising portfolios

MORE on Part 2

PART 3 – Tuesday, 15 September 2020: Laying the foundations for responsible and sustainable investment in Europe

  1. COVID-19: Sustainable Finance and the Future of the Global Economy
  2. What is the CIO role in the sustainability agenda?
  3. The importance of leadership in a time of climate and health crisis
  4. Evolving policies and regulatory requirements in the EU and beyond
  5. An update on UN-backed Green Climate Fund agenda
  6. The impact of COVID-19 on sustainable investing and global resilience financing

MORE on Part 3 

PART 4 – Tuesday, 22 September 2020: Responsible investing in a low return, low carbon environment

  1. European sustainable finance: the EU’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
  2. Going beyond Climate: Managing Environment Risks.
  3. Legal Framework for Impact: Mainstreaming Impact in Investment

MORE on Part 4

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