Search Inside Yourself Program (SIY) – The HOW Institute

November 7, 2019 @ 9h00 - November 8, 2019 @ 23h30


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Join the Search Inside Yourself Program (SIY) in Luxembourg for 2 days of Personal and Professional development focused on building healthy mental habits for sustained high performance and wellbeing.

Developed at Google and based on the latest in neuroscience research, Search Inside Yourself Program (SIY) teaches attention and mindfulness training that build the core emotional intelligence skillsneeded for effective leadership.

Get a sneak preview of SIY fundamentals and some hard facts about its effectiveness for individuals & organisations in this 40 min free introductory webinar with our 2 SIY certified teachers.

WHEN – November 7th and 8th, 2019

WHERE – Alvisse Parc Hotel, Luxembourg

PRICE – 990€ VAT excluded (Price for 2 days including food and non-alcoholic beverage)

Who should attend this training ?

  • Managers and leaders that want to improve organisation wide teamwork & cohesion
  • Existing teams that want to improve their cohesion, develop a common language and navigate common challenges successfully
  • Members of highly diverse teams (positions, roles, skills, nationalities..)
  • Workers & individuals that want to be more serene and mindful at work and in their life
  • Workers & individuals that experienced engagement & motivation challenges at their workplace or in their life
  • More generally, workers, managers, leaders and individuals that want to increase their wellbeing and thus their overall performance

And what do you get out of it?

Whether you are coming for personal or professional development or to check out the SIY program for your organisation, you will learn foundational skills to:

  • Enhance mental fitness and clarity
  • Develop agile and adaptive mindsets
  • Reduce stress responses
  • Increase resilience
  • Improve access to creativity
  • Develop greater self awareness
  • Enhance emotion regulation
  • Improve communication skills
  • Develop better decision-making skills
  • Develop greater emotional intelligence
  • Experience greater overall wellbeing, thrive!

Discover the agenda HERE 

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