Many companies start up, but too few scale up!
July 12, 2019 @ 16h00 - 17h00

Many companies start up, but too few scale up!
How to scale up your company and take it to the next level
Start up, then scale up or stall out (fail to scale)!
This sequence describes the life cycle of most businesses.
Your takeaways from this conference:
- Identify the key challenges of the growth journey
- Learn about a structured way to systemize your scaling efforts
- Get an insight into the tools to master the journey – without drama
Dr. Jean-Marc Fandel is an experienced operational manager, trainer and performance coach. JM runs his own training and advisory firm in partnership with “” a European-wide consulting consortium, leveraging over 20 years of experience in various growth industries advising clients on business issues and opportunities associated with growth. In the recent past, JM has contributed to scaling up MASH, a fast growing Fintech50 company, and has developed CETREL and SIX Payment Services, as CEO and Managing Director by growing the business exponentially. JM is also a board member in various companies and a mentor to entrepreneurs. He holds a PhD and MSc from the Ecole des HEC, University of Lausanne and is an AMP alumni of the Harvard Business School. [email protected]